Food and the city..the hags are here to eat and then tell you about it!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

TICS TACS - Italian's tac-tic?

The Bottomless Pit (aka The Gentle One No Longer) has unleashed this very astounding fact from the depths of her cerebral genius. Turin in Italy is the home of Tic Tacs and Nutella!?!?! No way!!! Nutella I understand. Everyone knows it practically revolutionalised the way we approach bread (Vegemite purely paved the way). But Tic Tacs?? I always thought it was some trashy Yankie invention - what with all those corny commercials promising to make one more attractive, desirable, intelligent, agile and nimble. Whatever will Bottomless Pit come up with next??? We wait with abated (minty fresh) breath...

Tic Tacs




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't believe and will not until there is written proof!!

6:07 pm

Blogger Culinary Hag said...

You calling Bottomless Pit a liar???

Sniff...your loss then


7:03 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't call the BLP (Bottomless Pit) a liar, afterall she was previously the Gentle One...

I'm just saying that I can't believe it until I see it with my very own eyes.

12:43 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't call the BLP (Bottomless Pit) a liar, afterall she was previously the Gentle One...

I'm just saying that I can't believe it until I see it with my very own eyes.

12:44 pm


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